Abuse Therapist Near San Diego

Abuse is something that comes in many forms. In a general sense, abuse is misusing power in a way to control or harm another person. This mistreatment might be verbal, emotional, or physical in nature, and each type can bring about psychological distress and pain. If you or someone you love is dealing with the fallout of abuse, it might be time to make an appointment to see an abuse therapist near San Diego. 

Why See San Diego Therapists for Abuse Therapy? 

Abuse in any form can leave significant psychological wounds often harder to heal than any injury to the body. Someone that survives abuse may have negative feelings long after the initial abuse began and ended. Some of the symptoms people may have after going through abuse include flashbacks, depression, anxiety, and significant trust issues. Any abuse can also impact the way people find happiness or form relationships. 

Family therapists in San Diego will tell you that abuse's effects on a person do not have to be permanent. By working with California therapists who specialize in sexual abuse and other types of trauma, the patient can address symptoms and overcome challenges. Therapy is also good for those engaging in abuse to help them change behaviors if they are willing to take the steps. 

Know the Types of Abuse 

When talking with an abuse therapist near San Diego, you will find many kinds of abuse. These forms of abuse may include: 

  • Physical Abuse

  • Sexual Abuse

  • Psychological or Emotional Abuse

  • Financial Abuse

One or more of these forms of abuse can happen with any kind of relationship, including families, friends, or professionals. There can also be abuse that takes place between strangers, but this is a relatively rare pattern. The common context for abuse includes: 

  • Child Abuse

  • Domestic Abuse

  • Elder Abuse

  • Ritual Abuse

Anyone can experience more than one form of abuse at any time. For example, someone that is abused psychologically may also encounter physical abuse simultaneously. In most cases, psychological abuse will be a precursor that leads to physical violence. 

Understanding the Psychological Effects of Abuse

It is important to work with emotional abuse therapists in San Diego to learn about the various forms or contexts where abuse may occur. Even once the abuse stops, the survivor can still be in a great deal of distress. It is best to talk with trauma therapists in San Diego to address issues like anger, anxiety, dissociation, mood swings, PTSD, trust issues, and more. 

Here at bareWell, we want you to know that we understand your struggles and know that your feelings are valid. We work with patients who are working through issues and still trying to come to terms with the abuse that happened in their past. You are not weak, and you do have options when it comes to treatment so that you can start living a life that is free of stress and emotional turmoil.

Are you ready to talk with an abuse therapist near San Diego to see what your best avenue may be for treatment? Give us a call at bareWell at (619) 391-9665 or schedule your consultation online.